Matt:23:11. The greatest among you must be a servant.
What a unique teaching? Do not expect anyone to call you a Rabbi. He doesn't prohibit to be a Rabbi; but desiring the title.
Teach, but do not desire to be called a teacher - the power, the position in society, the pride, the credits and importance you get. Do not desire (v:7)
Being a servant; being an unrecognised zero, being a nobody, being a second or third fiddle. Where no one sees you; no one appreciates you nor the work you have done - Oh! That is extremely tenacious. It kills your pride. It makes you nil. But Jesus says that is the way to greatness. That is how you would achieve greatness. Because you have learnt to set aside your own self.
But would you ever attain fully that state? If not, then why should I deny my own self again and again? Because Jesus did it. That should be the only reason for me to do it.
Jn:13:3-4. Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God; got up from the supper and laid aside His garments, and taking a towel, He girded Himself.
Why would He do it? He is the Son of God, the Second person in Trinity. What would others think about Him? These questions which routinely bother us didn't seem to pester Him. He had nothing to prove. He had no one to prove. He was sure of His identity. He was sure of what the most important person thought about Him - knowing that.....
He set an example to others who were looking up to Him. To serve is by no means demeaning yourself. You think it is a second or third graded job. Not at all. Jesus considered it a privilege. A duty.
As fathers, as husbands, as sons
As mothers, as daughters, as wives
As subordinates
As bosses
As students, as teachers, as head of the institutions
There should be only one agenda in our hearts. How can I serve today.
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