Did Jesus literally mean that you should cut your hand off or gouge your eye, if that causes you to sin? By just gouging out your eye, did He really mean that you can go to heaven. Seriously not.
What He meant was to be serious about sin. Take radical steps against sin. For these are things which your Holy Father abhors. And if it disgusts Him, why should you love it? Why should you cherish it? Why should you not cut it off?
Severe relationships which are not holy. Cut on the pay if it is untrue. Do not go to places where the Lord is not there. That might have dangerous outcomes in your social and economic life. Let it be.
Which is better? To enter eternal life without a hand or a foot or an eye, or be thrown to eternal fire with both of your hands and feet and eyes.
It all depends on what you value? Whether these ties here on earth? Or an eternal relationship with your Father. You cannot put up with sin and then enjoy a fruitful relationship with your Father. Both will not go hand in hand. The choice is yours.
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