It sounds ridiculous. Leaving the ninety nine to save one who wandered away. Not for the one. What if you are that one who lost everything. Would you want your shepherd to come searching for you?
The ninety nine were never lost. At least they thought they were not lost. But that one needed help. That one needed it's own shepherd to come searching for it and take it back home.
Luke:19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.
Luke:5:31-32 It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repent.
Unless you are poor in the spirit, there is no kingdom of heaven in you. If you think you are in that righteois bunch who is traditionally close to God, you are no less than the Pharisees and teachers of the law, who thought they had it all with God, than even Jesus.
And how much He rejoices over you as He takes you back home. The love the shepherd has for the lost one, is beyond what we can fathom. As He carries me on His shoulder with redemptive act on the cross, His eyes are wet with tears of gladness and overflowing joy, that that sheep has been saved.
Be that one sheep who needs to be saved. Be that sheep who is carried on that shoulders.
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