"Many are called, few are chosen.
The Kingdom of heaven is like this.
A huge banquet prepared. Called the wedding of the Lamb. Many are invited to come to the banquet. Chosen to be invited. The children of Israel were the first to be chosen to be invited. Not only did they reject the invitation. But they persecuted the ones who came to invite them. How ridiculous it may seem.
Now those who rejected the invitation were not allowed to come. The choice was theirs. Their cities were destroyed. They weren't worthy of the honour. Now others are invited. We have been given the privilege to attend the wedding. The Gospel is open to all. Anyone who believes in Jesus for their salvation can attend.
Yes anyone who wears the wedding robe of righteousness that the bridegroom himself offers are allowed to attend the wedding. Not everyone who is religious or pious or thinks he is close to God. The wedding dress has to be worn. You cannot enter without the proper clothing. For Jesus is the only way to God. Only those who trust in Jesus for their salvation can --.
What a privilege for us. For us who didn't deserve to be there. The invitation has been given in itself is an honour. God chose us. But are we wearing the right dress for the wedding? The robe of righteousness that He offers? Rather than choosing to wear the dress we desire?
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