Whoever wants to be the leader, must be your servant.
A leader leads from the front. Not Lord it over them.
Jesus says a leader should serve his people.
Not the same as what even an ideal perfect leader looks like in this world.
This shows the fallenness of the world we are in, when the most perfect ideal leader is not even a glimpse of who Jesus is. To be a servant of His children He presented, when He washed His disciples feet and He died to redeem us while we were His enemies.
This is just one of the attribute of the kingdom of heaven which is in starc contrast to the standard of the worldly kingdom. The world's perfection and idealism is nowhere near the example that Jesus depicts. That is why the world rejected Him.
Now how do we serve those whom we lead? Do we Lord it over them and flaunt our authority over them? Then we have no part in what Jesus has come to establish.
Image credit: https://possesshispromises.com/2018/10/19/washing-feet-3-lessons/
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