It was not what God had originally intended
Divorce was not originally intended by God. It was given because of the hard hearts of men. When God created human beings, He created them as male and female. He created them as one, as they join together in marriage. The two are united as one. And therefore no one should split apart what God has joined together.
Man and wife. Woman and husband - you have been in God's plan, before even you were created, before even time began He had you both together in His mind. There will be quarrels, differences of opinions, conflict of ideas. But that is not an excuse for you to go separate ways. God has created you as one, sees as one. May be it is near to impossible to live together. But trusting in the God who brought you together; stay on. Not just for the children's sake.
Love your neighbour as yourself. Who is your nearest neighbour than your spouse?
Love your enemies. He/she is definitely not your enemy. She is part of you. You both are one. All the more reason to love each other.
For some, it is extremely difficult. So they part ways. But to be precise, it is extremely difficult for all, because they both have been brought up in extreme poles. But some learn the way to love each other as Christ loved the church. It is not impossible. If Christ is in you; if He is the third cord in your marriage; if He wants love to rule over your married life; He will enable. He will equip.
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