No matter what others say about you
The ill words about you
The incorrigible person you would be
The difficult person you are
All I want you to know; You are mine.
You might be living in fear and uncertainty
What might come of you in the days to come
Life looks upside down
There is no light down the tunnel
All I want you to know; You are mine.
Helpless as you are; unable to control
The circumstances seem to stand tall
You thought in your young blood
You had it all figured out. But now.....
All I want you to know; You are mine.
Tired as you are. Running down the valley
Despite all odds you stay strong
But no one seems to understand
You strive hard to make ends meet
All I want you to know; You are mine.
What difference it's going to make Lord?
Yes I am yours - because you created
I am your property because you own me
But still I have to face the heat.
I have to do the running.
Son 'You are mine' doesn't mean you're my property
But that you are my signet ring
How little do you know me?
I have placed you close to my bosom.
Nothing can separate you from my love
I love you beyond what you can imagine
The struggles you go through, I understand, I sympathize
I am there with you till the end of ages.
It is more than pity, more than compassion
It is more than what your earthly words can describe.
You are precious to me. You are my love.
Nothing could deter me from continuing to love you.
Your name is written on my palms.
The wound is still gaping
The blood is still flowing
It is only I who has this blemished body for eternity, for you.
I have redeemed you. I have ransomed.
I cannot leave you. I cannot forsake you
I am there for you. Wherever you go.
The Almighty. Your everloving Father.
Is anything too hard for me?
Don't you realize the depth of my love for you?
I know it's impossible for you to fathom.
But see a glimpse of it.
Stop running in the rut. Seeking love
And recognition and acceptance
I have loved you with an everlasting love
Nothing can deter me from loving you
Father I understand
Who am I to be loved like this?
What good have I done?
Who am I that you're mindful of me?
Son, it is not because you have done things the right way.
It is not because of any of your filthy rags
It is because of who I am
I am love.