I will rescue you for my sake
Yes for my own sake.
What do you really think is the reason why God has done amazing things in your life?
Miracles after miracles. Provisions. Protection. Deliverances.
Is it because you are worth it? Not at all. Definitely He can foresee things in the future. Would He find your worth in His kingdom and then decide to act accordingly in the past. To protect you. To provide for you. To nourish you?
Not at all. He can very well do that. But the truth is He has done all these things for His name's sake. Because He is God.
Many a times I think how narrow minded I am to perceive that, everything is revolving around me. My kingdom. My desires. My values.
It is in fact pathetic to think that way. This world is His. And it revolves along with everything in it (which includes me as well) around the axis, that is Him.
Lord help me to live with that God orientedness always.