What does true and genuine worship incite?
2 Chron:30:15
† Does it incite an innate sin consciousness? Are you ashamed of your wretchedness? Your sinfulness is laid bare infront of the Holy God. Do you feel like the younger son who felt conscious of his sin against heaven and against the Father? Or like the elder son - equivocal of what is happening around, sang few songs and feels fully elated? When was the last time you cried in worship, being aware of your sinfulness and in comparison, God's holiness?
2 Chron:30:18
† Does it incite a desire to join the fold? Realizing the love of the Shepherd has for it, the lost sheep chose to sit on His shoulder to be brought back. Realizing the sinfulness and repenting leads to realizing the love the Father has for us. Undeserving as we are; we are now a chosen generation, a holy nation who is called to be His own. Do we deserve this? Am i grateful?
2 Chron:30:20
† Am i reinstated? As i come back to His bosom, which is the rightful place which is reserved for us. No guilt. No shame. Absolute peace that passeth all understanding. Because of the realization that, the thing that separated me from the presence of God, has been dealt with; has been nailed to the cross; has been tackled for eternity.
† And there is healing. As we are reinstated with God, am i reinstated with others? Is there an urge to seek forgiveness to people whom we have hurt? Is there an urge to forgive? Is there an urge to keep it aside and seek to reinstate with others?
2 Chron:30:22
† Is there joy? That you are continually in the Lord's presence? That His Spirit is there always there? Is there reinstation of joy? Abounding, unsurpassing, unexplainable joy? Despite evidence to the contrary?
† And that will ultimately will bring in about celebration. Which is continual joy. That you always remember in your life, what the Lord has done for you. That brings continual joy. Despite the circumstances.
2 Chron:30:22
† Does it invoke thanksgiving. An attitude of gratitude. A sense of thankfulness. A feeling that you do not deserve. But the Lord has been gracious. It reminds you of the grace and mercy that the Lord has lavished upon you. Yes He has given you things which you do not deserve. He has kept from you things which you deserve too. Yes you deserved eternal hell and separation from God. Yet God was merciful.
2 Chron:30:27
† Does it invoke blessing? Not to you - that you would be materially blessed. That your prayers will all be answered. That you have found out a prayer answering machine. But you would bless others - especially those who have hurt you, cornered you and troubled you. No grudge whatsoever. That you would pray; like you Master - Father forgive them. It instils love and affection to others.
† And you would also be blessed. What is your ultimate blessing. That you have found your Father. That you would be in the presence of the Lord, all the days of your life. That He is your very great reward.
2 Chron:30:27
† God heard their prayer. All your needs will be taken care of. But you wouldn't be bothered. It will be in God's table. He will act in accordance with His will. He is your loving Father. He will take care.
On the contrary, what has today's worship become?
It looks at what we can get, not what we can give.
It looks at how I can perform, not how we can be humble.
It looks at what I can receive, not what I have already received.
It looks at what more, not being grateful.
It looks at happiness, not joy or celebration.
It looks at the positive vibe, not at reinstation.
It looks at man's worthiness, not at man's wretchedness in contrast to His Holiness.
May the Lord help us to worship in truth and in Spirit. To live a life full of worship. Because He alone deserves.