2 Chron:14
King Asa- a good king in the eyes of the Lord, came up with a crisis in his life. He was facing an army, almost three times bigger as his. He realized he was utterly helpless. So he pleads to the Lord. No one but you can help the powerless against the mighty.
When we are literally helpless, when we have no resources to look unto, when we are completely powerless, we have no other hope but God.
Rom5:8 When we were utterly helpless Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.
The truth is, we are always helpless.
John15:5 For apart from me you can do nothing.
We need to realize that we can't do anything on our own and in everything we need to depend. Not only in big things where we are truly helpless. Even in apparent small things.
For everything we need to pray. Talk to God seeking His will.
For everything we need to ask for grace.
Grace alone which God supplies
Strength unknown, He will provide
Christ in us our cornerstone
We will go forth in grace alone.