What does true and genuine worship incite? 2 Chron:30:15 † Does it incite an innate sin consciousness? Are you ashamed of your wretchedness? Your sinfulness is laid bare infront of the Holy God. Do you feel like the younger son who felt conscious of his sin against heaven and against the Father? Or like the elder son - equivocal of what is happening around, sang few songs and feels fully elated? When was the last time you cried in worship, being aware of your sinfulness and in comparison, God's holiness? 2 Chron:30:18 † Does it incite a desire to join the fold? Realizing the love of the Shepherd has for it, the lost sheep chose to sit on His shoulder to be brought back. Realizing the sinfulness and repenting leads to realizing the love the Father has for us. Undeserving as we are; we are now a chosen generation, a holy nation who is called to be His own. Do we deserve this? Am i grateful? 2 Chron:30:20 † Am i reinstated? As i come back to His bosom, which is the rightfu...
Amateur as I am, halfbaked as I am. But i write with a purpose, to point to my master, to show of His love. The love I've seen in His eyes, is not just for me. This bard hence writes so that you would see His love too