Mount Sinai - is also called the Mountain of God. The same mountain where the Lord's glorious presence was so intensely felt by Moses and the children of Israel, that the people trembled. As the dense cloud came down, the thunder roared and the light I flashed and the whole mountain was covered with smoke. The instruction there in was, anyone who touches the mountain, even an animal must be put to death, owing to the holy presence of God.
It is to this same mountain that Elijah runs to and goes to a cave and spends the night. And the Lord confronts him with a question, " What are you doing here Elijah?"
Instead of spending time in the presence of the Lord, Elijah spends time alone.
Instead of praying out aloud, he is sitting quietly brooding over his plight.
What do I do in the Lord's presence. Do I take Him for granted. How is my prayer life? If at all I pray, why do I pray so selfishly? And if I lack in prayer, that is because of my pride, because I feel I can handle it and I need no help.
Even in God's presence, pride can prevent you from spending time with Him. Humbling ourselves let us come to Him.