2Kings 1 Two captains and hundred men were killed by fire brought from heaven by Elijah from Tishbe. Then third one was wise to plead for mercy. This is fear of the Lord. This is wisdom. This is how you know how to live. Trusting in the one who said - apart from me you can do nothing. The one who said - eternal life is knowing the Father. Where as the world says - blind faith is for naive people. Pro:19:23. Fear of the Lord leads to life. Bringing security and protection from harm. King Ahaziah did not have the wisdom;he was trying to prove. But an unnamed captain feared the Lord. And his life was spares. Without fear there is no wisdom. Unless you are rich unto God, you will be called a fool finally. Luke 12:21. According to the world, he was a wise investor. But God calls him a fool. The world may call you anything; Doesn't matter. What God calls you will matter.
Amateur as I am, halfbaked as I am. But i write with a purpose, to point to my master, to show of His love. The love I've seen in His eyes, is not just for me. This bard hence writes so that you would see His love too