Amongst the chaos and all confusions
Its upto us, what we meditate on our hearts
Grudge or war or what the nations would do to other
Or the financial back up that we have set,
The control that I would want for my future
My career, my family and my children
Or do I meditate daily on His unfailing love
A love that never fades, never gets bored
A love that encompasses even when I was His enemy
Unconditional, Agape love without any ifs or buts
The more I meditate on His love
The more I understand Him and His love
How loving He is, how beautiful it is to be in His bosom
Doesn't depend on whether you have lived up to it
But because, 'He is love and 'Love is Him alone'
Love, not based on your obedience
Love, not based on whether you love back
Love, not judgemental when you struggle
His unfailing love is always there
No matter wherever you are
In the deepest pit, in the miriest clay,
In the yuckiest place, in the dirtiest road
His arms are always open wide
Waiting to embrace His beloved child.
The road to change begins now
In that deepest hole that you are in
No matter how narrow the mouth of it is
One look at the Saviour, makes Him run to you
Forgetting all the rebellion, your heart had against Him
Encompassing and embracing you
Meditate on His unfailing love
Always remember from where you have been pulled out
And also where you are seated right now
Not on your merit, but by His mere grace
He has loved you with an everlasting love
That you may be with Him happily ever after.