When Jacob's sons Simeone and Levi, dealt treacherously against Hamor and Shechem, killing them all when they were still in pain of circumcision, Jacob was quick to rebuke them. He was in fact telling them, treachery and deceit is not the right way. I have lived it my way in the past and I have struggled because of my selfishness and cheating. And he is pleading with them not to tread in that same path.
Correcting and rebuking the children is the right way - as parents.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Pro:13:24
Present day young parents might not agree to this and I might sound like a villian here. But it is God's way.
Direct your children unto the right path and when they are older they will not leave it Pro:22:6
We must remember our children are miniature us - rebellious, self centred, not God loving - they need to be tuned and pruned in the right path. Disciplining and pruning them is good for their lives. Taking things lightly and seeing their behaviour as child play will do them no good.
Eph:6:4 Fathers....... Bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Amen every parent must read this !!!