A fracture for a fracture, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Whatever anyone does to injure another person must be paid back in kind.
The rules were all to the core and just. The offender had to be dealt with the same way the sufferrer had to face without any compromise. A just judge is right in punishing the same way.
And anything against the Holy God had to be dealt with more seriously. The Lord being the victim and because the Lord is holy - the punishment is graver.
Blaspheming against the name of the Lord was punished by stoning to death. The name of the Lord is analogous to the Lord Himself, His very being, His very own self.
In the Old testament, it is the outward expression of sins and their just punishments described. But in reality we understand through the New testament, a sin in your heart, ie with a wrong motive is considered as sin at par with those physical expressions.
Looking lustfully at a woman is adultery.
Being angry is equal to murdering according to God's standards.
If God starts dealing justly now according to His standards, then every single one of us would have been struck down. Isn't it?
We all know our hearts.
The lust we cherish,
The anger we harbour,
The hatred we dwell on.
A just God is not able to let go unpunished. It has to be paid back in kind.
All His wrath, all His justice, all His punishment was poured down on the cross dear one
The gravity and weight of sin of each one of us was laid on the Lamb without blemish, that the Father took His eyes of Him at least for a moment - My God my God why have you forsaken me?
Justice is served
Paid back in kind
My punishment is done
It is finished"
Matt:5:17 I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or writings of the prophets. No. I came to accomplish their purposes.