I was wondering why this nation Israel was so much taken care of by God as the Apple of His eye. Was not that simple act of faith and obedience by their father Abraham outnumbered by their own disobedience and rebellion and retorting?
It was not because Israel was the greatest nation at that time. Deutr:7:7
V:8 says the reason for choosing them was simply that the Lord loves you.
1John:4:19 We love because He first loved us.
Their inbetween acts of disobedience and rebellion did not deter Him from continuing to love them. And His plan of redemption of the entire mankind was to be fulfilled through them.
Logically in human point of view it is irrational to have chosen Israel over other nations without any significant acts of faithfulness from them.
Aren't the others worth it?
Why only Israel?
Why not India?
Why not the US? Or the most powerful nation at that time, Egypt?
But will Israel ever ask that? Why us?
God could have chosen any other nation other than us. After the Red Sea experience and the umpteen no. of ways in which God has taken care of them? Will they ask?
Presently God has chosen you and me not based on our deeds or acts or because we were ardent followers and lovers of God.
All our righteous deeds are like filthy rags Isa:64:6
A common question that arises is why did God choose some and rejected some?
But the truth is salvation is for all.
Rom:12:13 says Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
If He would save a wretch like me, salvation from the clutches of sin is open to all. Is open to anybody.
Coming back to the question.
Will I ask that question?
Why did He save me?
I should have been in that miry vlay and deepest pit? NEVER.
The fact that I've been chosen to be part of His family, the fact that I'm saved only because of His love and not by any deeds of mine fills me with gratitude and humbling. The "why" question comes out of rebellion and pride.
We are chosen out of love.
His Love encompasses our understanding...we need to value and not take it for granted.