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Sabbath was designed as a day of rest and repose. As a covenant so that they will know that the Lord makes thee holy - Ex:31:13-14
V:15 labels it as a day of complete rest.

Many a times we see our church day as another day of toil and hardwork. A day of socialization. A day of getting back the relationship. Where again you workhard. Strict churchgoers see it as their responsibility to be there in church and arrange things. In these days of online worship, the onus is now on getting the connectivity and sorting out your room neat and clean before you switch on the video. And to mute the audio before you talk normal talk at home in between. 

It has again become a stress and strain. Where as God originally designed it to find rest in God Himself. Imagine one whole day laying your head in the bosom of Jesus and being refreshed. When was the last time you did that dear? To repose, To be refreshed, to be rejuvenated, to be replenished.

Today as we enjoy our 74th independence day, our freedom lies in our dependance on Him, when we find our rest in him.

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust...

That is when we will be able to find our strength. 

When the oceans rise and thunders
I will sore with you above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still and know you are God.


  1. Really thought provoking... But do you mean take some Sundays off from even involving in Church meetings and downs some time in solitude with God?

    1. I feel this Sunday time should be taken as that time of rest. If finding rest is not in the list but doing certain things for the church for God, then the purpose is not served at all.
      And why should we restrict finding rest in him on Sundays alone. Finding rest in Him can be anytime

  2. When I'm at rest in Him, every moment becomes a Sabbath and is blessed..

  3. Amen. When we take time to practice rest in His presence , He will teach us to remain at rest amidst storm even.

  4. Really interesting thoughts Amit, as you said those who have responsibilities like arranging, singing are little restless,Sheena saju

    1. Yes absolutely. And we who have been doing things for God need to understand that God doesn't need those of our doings. He just wants us to find rest in Him.


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