On the mountain God is giving instructions to install Aaron and his sons as priests to the Holy God.
In the valley he makes himself a priest to a calf.
On the mountain God meticulously describes how to make those holy garments for the priests and the way the tabernacle,the ark and the altar needs to be fashioned.
In the valley the children of Israel indulges in revelrous worship.
Many a times we miss the best that is kept for us by a whisker, just because of finding-a-mere-solution-by-ourselves. By saying I know what is best for me and acting accordingly.
You might have been thinking of changing a job because it was uncomfortable.
You might have been thinking of higher studies.
You might have been thinking of earning more.
You might have been thinking of a long holiday.
Have you missed the big picture?
Have you missed the amazing richness that God has in stock for you?
I'm not against planning.
Am against planning without God.
I'm not talking about you taking the decision and involving God in it to get his approval so that all would go well for you. I'm talking about seeking him althrough out.
Just ask yourself. Why do you want to do the thing you badly want to do?
Self indulgence?
Self satisfaction?
Wrong representation of God?
Then you are missing the mountain and condensing on the valley. Missing the presence of God and centralising on the golden calf.
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