My love for Jerusalem and Mount Zion is passionate and strong.
Oh! Why do you love me so passionate and so strong Lord. I have only disappointed you with my selfishness and self centredness. Self is my idol. And idol worship is something you abhor. Yet you have only loved me. With passionate and strong love. Your love never grew cold. Your love never decreased. Always with the same intensity.
I cannot fathom. I cannot understand. The depth and vastness and strength of your love. Your passionate and strong love is because you are love. I am grateful to you and your love. Eternally thankful. Tears roll down my cheek with gratitude. All I could give back are my words of gratitude. I worship you. I adore you. I fall prostrate before you in awe. Because you loved me undeservingly. Thank you Jesus.
Image credit:https://www.artpal.com/buy/paintings-prints/religion-philosophy-astrology/christianity/crucifix-cross/?i=63993-1
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