They will sparkle in His hand
Like jewels in a crown. Zech:9:16
Jewel in itself is precious. But these precious stones are even more precious when on a crown. They are even more valuable when they are on the crown of a good, loving and righteous king. And especially when the new heaven and new earth will be full of such stones on the streets. And every single one of us will be a jewel on His crown, how does it matter to be precious and valuable and sparkling?
I am still amazed by the truth of God loving a person like Jacob. God loving a wretch like me. For me this love is significant. More than I could ask for. More than I could dream off, is the truth that I am placed as a jewel on that crown. For this jewel, it is beyond its wildest imagination. Whether the other ones deserve it or not. Whether the other jewels are there or not, as long as this jewel is chosen to be there, I am grateful. Eternally grateful.
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