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Showing posts from June, 2024

A fountain

Zech:13:1 A fountain to cleanse from all sins and impurity.  When fully dirty and mucky. When it aches so badly after the hard toil. When each muscle twinges after the whole day's run. When every inch of your skin is soiled. What do you long for? A hot shower. Which will cleanse you and heal you.  All you can think of is the feel of warm water that has the power to heal all your glitches and twitches. This will release you. No one would want to take rest without a bath - filthy as you are. And once you bath you are ready to take rest. A sound sleep. A pain killer or two. A balm to outherod the herod.  How serious are you about the son that encroaches stealthily to defile you? How bound and determined are you to get rid of the muck that is around. The fountain on the cross, the life giving water flows to cleanse. Only if you receive.  And as you repent everyday, every moment, as you experience His forgiveness, there is further cleansing.  Do not live a life adjusting wit

Helpless, yet Hopeful

Zech:12:10 Then I will pour out a Spirit of grace and prayer....  When you realize that you cannot do it on your own, that is when you need the Spirit of grace. Till date you have been striving hard - to do things. Stop and receive only. The Spirit is freely given.  And only when you realize as you enlist things you have been struggling to do, and as you look into the ever blank list, then you desire and hence receive the Spirit of prayer. No boredome, no laziness, no rebellion. No thing would stand between you and your beloved.  Helpless, but hopeful.  And how did it all possibly happen? Through the One whom they pierced.  Isolated, strangled,  mangled and warped, rebels are now given a chance to come, to commit, to communicate. Only through the cross.  Image credit: