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Patient endurance

But after that He will take up my case
And give me justice for all I have suffered from my enemies. 

As you go through the Lord's heavy hand, it is true it is difficult. It is tough. Sometimes you are perplexed not knowing what to do. Helpless.
But it is better to be patient as you go through this tough time. Patience brings a lot of peace. It controls the way you react. It controls the way you take it. 

Patient endurance, long suffering is something we should learn. Because the Lord has assured hard times in this world. The world will surely hate us because it has already hated our Master. So let us endure patiently. 

And as we endure, the promise of our Almighty Saviour is that - He will take up my case and give me justice. And if God is on my side, who can be against us. I have His favour. He is with me in this. And He will deliver me. The assurance of our Father who never changes. 

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