Indeed the Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets.
Is it true? Has it been like that always?
Oh! Otherwise mankind is so stiffnecked not to see the hand of God in all that is happening. He would attribute it to chance.
What is He about to do? Why is He doing it? All these have been already planned. He is not a God who is surprised at the turn of events to do something different. For Him everything is well planned.
Should I hide my plan from Abraham -
God comprehended in His mind before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
God foretold Abraham that He is going to bless the whole world through him. Centuries later Jesus came.
The plagues of Egypt, the destruction of Jerusalem, the exile for 70 years, the coming of the Messiah, the death of the chosen One, the future of Paul - every single one has been fulfilled. Now is the new heaven and new earth - waiting to be fulfilled. And everything points to that too.
So, if God is doing something in your life, He wants to tell you well ahead. Lest you should say, it so happened.
Will you seek Him, to know well ahead and be prepared? To see the hand of God in your life? Be it apparent bad or good, it happens with a purpose and that purpose is good in His eyes. For He says He has plans to prosper and not harm.
We can be sure that whatever happens in our life is for our good. God considers us as friends enough to tell it out to us well ahead. It is beautiful to look back and see the signature of God written all over our life. It is even more beautiful to see it well ahead. Being sure that He is writing a story. That He is in control. That He will take care.
And be assured.
Be at rest.
And would not fret. We would not be overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives.
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