I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land.
Someone who would stand in that gap in the wall that is broken down with sin and rebellion. The wall's wounds are gapingly huge. Is there someone who would stand in between so that God would see an iota of righteousness in between? In between the choices of rebellion against God, would He see one person in 2024 who chooses Him and His ways.
One filling in of the gap.
Would you be that person who would intercede before God for your family, for your community for your nation. Might not be righteous enough. But the choice you make today, would change the destiny of people around you. It is on God's righteousness that you stand. But the choice to stand in that gap is yours.
The privilege to stand in that gap in itself is huge. It's massive. Who am I to be considered worthy to be there on that gap.
What standing do I have before the holy God that He considers me worthy enough to stand on His righteousness to fill the gap. Yet I choose.
Let Him find me.
Image credit; https://www.recognizesomeone.org/