I look up to the mountains
Does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord
Who made heavens and earth
In times of deepest troubles, in utterly helpless and disappointing situations, when you do not know where to look up at, where to seek help from, the realisation that help can come only from the creator of the heavens and earth, is the rate limiting step.
Once you realise that only He can help you out of this and seek Him wholeheartedly, that is when help will come.
Because He is the one who watches over you, day and night without sleep or slumber in His eyes.
Dear one, if you are in deep trouble, not knowing where to run to. Helplessly prodding around in the dark; know that He is the Lord, the creator, the sustainer who is with you.
And if God is with us, who can be against us?
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