I was glad when they said to me
Let us go to the house of the Lord
What makes you glad? What gives you immemse joy in this dry and weary world?
Is it things which are from this world which in itself is passing? Or have you set your eyes on eternal things? Do you seek God's blessings this new year, focussed on things which pass away? Or is it on things in heaven above?
If your prayers consist of requests for blessings with no eternal value, then your prayers are all futile. Yes God would answer your prayers. But see, how narrowminded your very self is.
Why can't we set our eyes on seeking God and knowing God above everything else? And as you delight in Him, He will give the desires of your heart. And the desires of your heart would be nothing other than being in the center of His will.
He will take care of all your needs, if your desire is to be glad in Him, in knowing Him, in seeking His will alone. And as we store up treasures in heaven rather than the earth, which worms and vermins will destroy, He will take care. He will provide all our needs.
David chooses to be glad in only one thing - when they told, we will go to the house of the Lord. Being in God's presence, does it excite you? Does it exhilarate you to hear from Him? Or has it become a sickening mundane.
Wake up. And be excited to seek Him.
Image credit: https://twitter.com/piratequeen_ya/status/1174649987466182657
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