They do not say from the heart
Let us live in awe of the Lord our God.
Man's destiny when he was created
In His own image and likeness
Was to live in the fear of God
That is why it is told to be the beginning of wisdom
Man's destiny is to be with Him for eternity
For love the Lord, with all your heart
Is the first and greatest commandment.
Because He first loved; Agape love
Man's destiny has always been His presence
For the fellowship desired is so sweet
That is why God used to come in search of him
In the cool of the breeze everyday.
That is why He came down to walk with Enoch
And He said, 'How can I withold anything from Abram
For he is my friend'
He chose to communicate to many from above.
But squandered did he, this great privilege
Undeserving; yet fully bestowed
Rebel; but made an heir.
CROSS; the bridge that fills the gap.
Everything is His initiative to reinstate
His purpose to beckon back
His act to bring me back to my destiny
Because mine is all filthy rags.
Now I have my Father waiting
In His embrace I will indulge
In His bosom, I re explore my lost destiny
His heart beat is full of me.
The rhythm, it is for the bard.
The breath; the wholeness of it, is for me
The smile on His face to have me back
I was lost; but now I'm found.
The joy in His heart, I can feel
The completeness of my life, the fulfilment
The consummation of my life, in His arms
Yes His bosom. That's my destiny.