There truly is a reward for those who live for God.
Reward; not just on the other side of death.
Not just a fantasy. Nor a fantastic imagination
Because the verse begins - then at last everyone will say...
In this world everyone will see and acknowledge God
If you live for God - if God is your standard
God will surely reward here on this earth
But far be it; that I am focussed on that reward.
Far be it I am focussed on the golden crown I will receive.
When I die and and go to heaven. Waiting for what I am gonna receive.
Because that is the picture we often have perceived.
Secondly, What is the reward that I desire?
Is it a golden house which my Jesus has gone to prepare
For me; studded with the most precious stones
Is it a wonderful orchard with lots and lots of trees.
That comes to fruition in the corrected appointed time.
Is it the riches and glory and the pompous treasure that I would inherit
I am your very great reward; God says
Do I react with ecstasy or of boredom
Do I react with wanting to indulge in more
Or do I feel loathsome and dull.
What would be the first word that comes to our mind
When we finally receive that very great reward.
Would it be "Wow" or the Malayalam word. Ayye