God moves ahead of you 1Chron:14:15
What bolster of tenacity? What cushion of chutzpah? What boost of confidence and morale, when you truly realize that whatever you are in, the Lord moves ahead of you.
In the midst of uncertainty and unconfidence, there is surity.
Going through a job interview? Going for an exam? Financial uncertainty looming around? Fearful of very many things? The Lord moves ahead of you.
A categorical statement which escalates your trust in Him more. From the abstract, God moves to reality. From the shadows He becomes the obvious. That is exactly what we need to remind ourselves today. That God is very much real in our lives. Devil has partially succeeded in making us believe in this lie. That God is abstruse. Where as God promises and He is faithful in fulfilling the promise He hath made, to move ahead of us. Has He not done in the past? When all was looking gloomy, the sun comes out of the shadows suddenly. Look back and see how God has been moving ahead of us.
Thankless as we are, we make forgetfulness our garland and ungratefulness our precious stones. We tend to forget. We choose to draw a blank.
Let us look forward with boldness, at the uncertainties of life at the face and say that my big brother is ahead. He knows. He has already claimed victory. Let us look at the enemy at his eyes and say, no claims on me is guaranteed. Hitherto the Lord has helped. He will guide further.
When the mountain is too big, that is when I should further be confident that my God had gone ahead. When darkness is looming, let me be evermore clinging to my Father's hand, who knows the path for sure, because He had gone ahead.
Amen Amen ! Praise the Lord