A white lie; an unharmed word.
Which would bring me good.
Doesn't harm or illtreat others.
That would be good, if I get a fortune
Gehazi thought so; but because of his foolish act,
There was lifelong defame for Elisha
Naaman would have never known the innocence of Elisha.
Gehazi thought of earthly riches alone
Next in line to Elisha to become the prophet
But crumbles down to nothing because of greed.
One sin that leads you to another.
More and more of lying and hiding.
But he forgets there is no lesser sin in God's eyes
If you have faultered in one.
You have broken it all
Gehazi thus slowly vanishes off into oblivion.
With sin comes, curse and punishment he forgets.
Do not retain sin in your heart dear one.
When you get the opportunity, when God confronts
Repent and throw it off.
Do not brush it under the carpet; do not hide
Do not bring in any excuse
Repent and renounce, and run back to your Father.
Crying out aloud, Abba, I have failed you again, forgive me.