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Simeon the Cyrene

Macpelah, Macpelah, make haste.
Oh! Simeon, you are back? Why so early? Usually you take roughly six months. This is hardly a month. Is everything alright? Hope the trade was fine and the farming too.
Oh Macpelah, there is something more important I need to tell you. Come sit. Where are the boys? Rufus and Alexandre need to hear it too. Call them too.
I hope everything is alright dear.  Now let that wait. Kids will take time to come. They might have gone out to fish or be with friends. They wouldn't have known you would be back so early. You go and have some rest. You look so weary and tired. You have become so lean and rangy. You were so muscular and your physique was something which evoked jealousy in others of your age in Cyrene. Now look at you. What happened to you?
Oh no, Macpelah, you think so because you love me. I've not lost weight at all. I'm the same old man. Make haste and call them, I need to tell you all what happened in Jerusalem.
We will talk over dinner dear, you must be really tired. Go freshen up. Take some rest.
No dear Macpelah, this can't wait. This is the most important thing in my life. That's exactly why I came back fast. I need to tell you. By the way, how have the boys been. Many a times I feel sad for not being around when they need me, especially at this time of their age.
Oh don't worry about them, Rufus and Alexandre have been brilliant. Even at this age they have become wonderful examples to their peers. Many parents point them as examples to emulate. Don't worry dear Simeon, we have raised them up well. And as was your desire, they have been god fearing and God loving boys (or young men I would say).
That's so heartening. That's the exact one thing I wanted to tell you all.
About Rufus and Alexandre?
No dear Macpelah! Something more important.
What could be more important than your children, Simeon.
I met The God, Macpelah.
What are you talking about Simeon. We all know that God is everywhere. And then how can you say you met Him? He is invisible as of what I know. Meeting God is an implausible thing. And we need to be good people and be nice to others. To gain access to heaven to meet gods.
No Macpelah, this is indeed true. That's what I said. It changed my life. It will change your life too. Call them. I'll go wash. We will talk over lunch.
Ok dear. As you say. 

Rufus I can't believe. Dad's back. Though it's hardly a month now, since he went. I really missed him.
Yes Alexandre, I missed him too. I love him so much. Though he is there only six months a year, he makes sure it's so fun filled during that time. Always making sure also that he spends quality time with each of us. This time he has promised to teach me sailing too.
Yes Rufus, and I hope next time, dad would take me to Israel. To take part in his trade as well.
Oh Alexandre, you have been so similar to dad in that way. I always loved Cyrene that I have never wanted to go out. Il start some trade in Cyrene itself as days go by. Or I'll take care of our trade here and you there.
Ho, ho! My little ones. They are not little any more I presume, Rufus, Alexandre I missed you.
Hey dad, so glad you are back. It's quiet unlikely that we have grown in one month time. And I also wanted to tell you hhmmmph, jxckla mmpphh.....
Ha ha, Alexandre I've always liked that muffled voice of yours when dad gives you that bear hug 
Oh Rufus, I know you like it too.  No matter how fast you run, I will finally get you. There you are. No matter how big you boys grow you are my chubby little ones always.

Ha ha dad, we love you. You know it. But why are you so early. Is everything fine?
Yes dears, I wanted to tell you something. Mother also need to hear. Oh what's this nice smell that comes from the kitchen. Oh I missed her delicious meals. Boy you should know that I'm the luckiest guy in Cyrene, to have got the most beautiful and efficient lady as my wife. So much filled with love always.
Wait dad, your wife is not as best as my mom. So you can be jealous.
Ha ha, Rufus, you nailed it.
Oh come on, guys. Enough of flattering. Now come have lunch. And lets sit over the couch and listen what your dad had to say. He says it's extremely important.
Yes dad tell us, what you wanted to say. You look disturbed as well as excited.

Yes dear, now that we have settled in. I want you to listen to every single word that I say. As you know as I went to Jerusalem, and I was busy with so many things to set up farming, to set up trade. But there was this news this time of a man called Jesus. He was everywhere. Everyone talks about him. News about him started from Cana, where he is said to have changed water into wine.
What are you talking about, dear? Water to wine? Just like that. In a moment? Impossible.
Yeah dear, Macpelah. I was kind of reluctant to believe that too. But slowly I heard more of him. He healed many sicknesses. Blind man getting sight, lame walking, even lepers healed.
What? Leprosy too. Impossible. He must be a great prohet then.
Yes I too thought of him as a great prohet.
So what does the prophet have to tell dad. They usually have one message right?
Yes dear Alexandre. You are absolutely right. His message was to repent for the kingdom of hand is near. But he kept telling that the Son of Man had come to die for your sins.
Whatever that meant!
I also didn't understand it to begin with. 
Does that mean you figured it out? Now this is getting exciting.
Yes Rufus, hold on. One day I was so curious that I couldn't stay in the market. I wanted to listen to him. I went to the temple outer courts. And there was huge ruckus there. This man was toppling all the tables and setting free all the sacrifice animals. He was driving all the merchants there and saying, my house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. I thought what he was saying is absolutely right. This is a temple, a holy place and they have made it worse than a market place. All sorts of bargaining all sorts of fights and arguements so much so that you as a gentile would feel sick of the temple. This sort of confusions and shouting all happened in the outer courts, beyond which no gentile was supposed to go. So I had been fed up. It's better to sit in your room and pray always. Rather than going to the temple.
Yes true dear Simeon. You have many times vented out your frustrations regarding that. You have often shared that to me.
Have I?
Yes and finally the conclusion from our discussion was that, gods do not sit in temples alone. But everywhere he is there. So you can pray to him from anywhere you want.
Yes dear Macpelah. I remember now.
Continue dad. I can't wait to hear the rest of your story.
Yes dear Rufus. So one day I was coming from the land after tilling. I heard a huge commotion in the road above. There was a multitude standing in either side of the road. There was loud jeering as well as loud wailing. I was confused. I decided to slowly move to the road and find out what was happening. As I moved close by, I could hear loud whiplashes and loud laughters after that. Some women were crying too in between. My curiosity reached its peak. And as I moved closer did I see blood stains on the path?
Now I was close to the people and as I pushed myself into their midst, I saw a frail young man fully covered with blood all over his body carrying a huge cross shaped log walking along the path. The Roman soldiers were beating him left and right. He was completely stripped naked. There was a huge crown of thorns on his head and from his head blood was not just dropping, but pouring. He was totally tired and all his strength was gone. He could barely walk, forget about carrying the cross which would weigh atleast twice his weight.
Oh boy, he should be a cruel murderer or something to be treated like that. Who was it? Someone whom we know? Because I heard your voice fumbling when you talked about his torture.
Wait Alexandre. So I was quiet curious to know who this person was and what wrong he did to be treated like this. I went closer and asked a man. He said something which I could never believe. His name is Jesus and his guilt is blasphemy. I was shocked to the core. 
What? The prophet? And blasphemy? So was he a false one again?
No Macpelah, listen to the whole story. I ran upfront to confirm. You could barely see his face. It was all disfigured. There was an unnamed glory in his face last week when I saw him in the temple. But it's all swollen up now. There was blood and saliva and sweat everywhere on his face. One eye was fully swollen up. His forehead was bruised deep by that crown I was telling about. There was a huge patch on his right side of his face where the beard was supposed to be, now stained with clotted blood. I presume someone might have plucked his beard. How  cruel? I couldn't look further. I could not see him like this. Oh! I had hoped that he would be the prophet. And he would do things right in Israel. And I had hoped that once we as a family would move from Cyrene to Israel. And this prophet would be instrumental in many families moving from different parts of the world to Israel. Now what will happen of him. All hopes were lost. Tears started rolling from my eyes. I fell giddy. 
Rufus and Alexandre, don't cry. There should be some terrible thing that he did. And blasphemy is not something which should be forgiven.
Hold on Macpelah, do not interrupt me. As I was about to turn my face away and go, disappointed. I heard him call my name.
What are you talking about? How does he know you?
Rufus, I still do not know. I was shocked to the core too. I stayed. And as I was walking with him, he fell down on to the ground with the heavy log falling on him. I was too shocked to know what exactly happened. But the soldiers started whipping him. But he couldn't get up at all. I started retorting to the soldiers and shouting back at them. I started to urge others to respond. But none said a word. Then one of the soldiers came near me. And bet me on my face with his heavy hand. I nearly fell down. He lifted me up and placed his face close to mine and asked. How dare you question me? My lips were still swollen with the heavy blow, but I managed to say this is not right. Then he said, if you are so much concerned, then you take up the cross for him. You look hefty and well built. You could very well take it till Golgotha.
What? Golgotha? You are going to crucify him?
Then what did you think we were taking him for? Now move aside and carry this cross and walk beside him. 
Give him a cloth atleast. He is naked.
Why do you bother they said. If you are so concerned, you give him yours. I couldn't. I was ashamed.
The heavy cross was laid on me. I almost fell down. But gained much strength. Because I thought if I failed, they would make him carry it. So I yelled and with all my strength stood up. And slowly I walked on the dust filled road. The beatings on him continued and I was made to walk beside him
Then in the midst of the confusions and loud jeerings, I heard it again. Simeon, Simeon.
Was it him who called you again dear?
Yes Macpelah, the pain was too much for me to bear. I was heavily tired. Yet I could clearly hear him call my name. I asked him, how do you know me? How do you know my name?
Simeon, he said I have known you before you were born. And I have known that you would be of help to me to carry my cross, even before you were formed in your mother's womb.
What are you talking about?
I know Simeon, I have seen you amongst the crowds. I have seen you in the temple. I know you are  God fearing and I know, Macpelah is too. And you both have done well to bring Rufus and Alexandre in the fear of God.
Oh my! This is insane. How does he know us?
Then I thought this is no simple man. He is no prophet. He should be God himself. That's when he told you think the right way Simeon. I am God personified and because you seek the one true God so genuinely, you have been chosen.
I couldn't control my tears Macpelah, as it rolled down my cheeks, it ached as it fell on my lips. And he said, son I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have come to die as a penalty of your sins. You will indeed be with me in heaven.
I said you have not done anything wrong, then why are they doing this to you. He said they cannot do anything to me unless my Father allows. Why does you Father allow this then? I asked. He said because I love you so much dear Simeon, it is for you I had to go through this. It's your punishment that I'm bearing. Now you are free.
And I could see, the lies which I told, the lustful looks I had, the anger I had. Though I was a picture perfect Cyrenian, deep down inside of me I was so wretched. We all are, Macpelah. Can you genuinely say that we all are clean.
You are true, Simeon. I can't stop crying. If what you say is true, does it mean he has died for mine too.
Dad, mom we also want to confess, this personal experience of yours has challenged us to see the rottenness in our minds too. What can we do.
Sons, he said, if you believe that He died for your sins, you are saved indeed. And mind you, that's one of the last words he said to the sinner who was crucified on his side, that he would be in paradise with him that day.
And when he died, the earth shook, the sun grew dark. I knelt before him on the cross as he drew his last breath, I realised it was my sin that caused him to die this gruesome death. I wanted to tell him, I'm sorry. I wanted to ask him forgiveness for disappointing him. I went close to the cross. His mother was there. So was his favourite disciple. With tear clogged eyes and fumbled speech I said, Lord forgive me. I don't know whether he heard me. But I heard him say. "It is finished"
Macpelah, Rufus and Alexandre, I want you to know that, that man died on the cross for my sins, for your sins too. Do you believe that?
Yes dad
Yes dear Simeon. I believe. 
Let's bow down and lets pray to this God and seek forgiveness and decide to live for him alone. I don't know how. But shall we as a family decide this.
Yes dear. I'm willing.
Yes dad. What you are saying is right. I accept.
Yes dad, knowing myself, will he forgive?
Son, if he has forgiven me, he will forgive you too.
And one more thing, I met him again.
Come on! What are you talking about. You said he died on the cross a gruesome death. Then how can you say you saw him. In your dream or what?
I too thought it was dream, Macpelah! So there was this rumour three days later that he rose from the dead and his tomb was empty. I was in two minds. Not sure. So one day, while it was noon, when I had closed my room and sat to pray to this God. I heard that same voice, Simeon, Simeon. And lo! He was there in the middle of the room. 
You said the room was closed, then how?
Rufus, I still do not know. But he was there. I touched him. And felt him. The wounds were still fresh on his forehead. The eye was partly swollen too. But the grace was still there. He said Simeon, I'm glad that you believed me. Now it's your responsibility to go and tell this in Cyrene. 
How do I do that. I don't know anything about you. 
Tell them what you know. And I will be with you till the end of days. 
And then he was gone. So I am here. Left everything I had to do and rushed to my family, what I felt was most important. And he has been continuing to talk to me after that.  May God help us.
So be it they all said in unison.


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