Thiruonam is a harvest festival that we Malayalis celebrate in remembrance of King Mahabali who is said to visit Kerala during that time. King Mahabali was a richly king dearly loved by his people because of his nobility and approachability. The king, according to the legend has been granted permission to visit and meet with his people every year. Moses after his second stint of 40 days and nights with God, as he was coming down Mount Sinai, his face was glowing with radiance because he had spoken to God face to face. And they were afraid to come near him. Now when Moses beckons them and talked to them, only then they could approach near him. And also because of the radiance of his face he had to put a veil. The radiance hadn't affected him. He was continually in touch with God. Even after the Mount Sinai experience he spends time with God in the Tent of Meeting. And whenever he speaks to God face to face he removes the veil. But whenever he deals with Israe...
Amateur as I am, halfbaked as I am. But i write with a purpose, to point to my master, to show of His love. The love I've seen in His eyes, is not just for me. This bard hence writes so that you would see His love too