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Set apart

Set apart. Betrothed. Engaged 
I as a child of God, am set apart for God - yes for blessing, honour, glory, power, inheritance, relationship as heir of God.
All of these are true 
But most importantly - I am set apart for my Lord as holy (Ezra:8:28).

Just like the silver and gold in the temple.
Just like the utensils there.
Just like the Levitical priests 
I am set apart to be holy; just as my Father in heaven is holy. 
How serious am I? How can I neglect this attribute of God and then seek the others? The very same attribute which He couldn't compromise on;but He gave His own life to redeem me.
The worldly system is corrupted and fully against this. Anything of the world is not with Him and then anyone who loves and follows this system, the love of the Father is not in Him. The world's ways and God's kingdom values do not go hand in hand 
The deeds that I do.
The words that I speak.
The desires of my heart 
The intentions and motives behind every action.
All point to the self seeking, self centred, self honouring culture of this world. If I look deep inside of me, that self seeking nature is always rampant. That is why I have been called to be set apart to be holy. To choose to practise the desires of my God's heart. To be solely devoted to Him. Fo which I need to know Him. His values. His words. His very own character.
When we were betrothed, we would want to do only things which we each other desire. Bride to groom and groom to bride. Out of love. Not out of obligation. If it is constantly a burden, then there is no love there. If it is out of my love to her and recognising her love to me, we continue in that same line of setting ourself apart for each other. It is not to please her. I know I am loved. I know I love her.
And this love prompts us both to live our lives for each other. We are one unit. There is no - her desire and mine. It is our desire. In one accord. In unison.
Till the glorious day of union with my Groom, whom I wait so eagerly. I will live a life of love, purging out every blemish, set apart for Him. Each time an unholiness becomes evident in my life, I renounce it, wash it and cleanse myself. That is how I would love to live this life set apart for my Groom; Holy


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