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Unfriendly people care only about themselves

Long lasting friendship is equivalent to selflessness. It is difficult to befriend someone who is concerned only about his own self. The one who is thinking about him alone, the one who always thinks about profit or benefit for himself, the one who loves himself more than others, rarely gets a good friend. 

Jesus became the good friend thus. Selfless unconditional love is the epitome of philia. Not expecting any good for himself, in fact suffered for us. Concerned only about us. So that we would benefit for eternity with him. Enemies as we were, he chose to become friends for us. 

It is difficult to love a selfish person. The truth is, the bard is here because there was a person in school, who tried to befriend him, though he was selfish. This was a a surprise for the bard, because all the rest of them kept him away because of his selfishness and this man tried to be good friends with him, not expecting any good thing from him and then led him to Jesus the good friend. 

Third point, how can I be the good friend, to someone who is selfish. How can I befriend someone who is not likeable. Whom everyone would want to avoid. Pray that I would be able to love him as Jesus has loved him. Jesus loves him still, as he loves me. Unconditionally. Without any expectations. Without any tags. So can I and should I love him. If I cannot manufacture or generate that love, can I atleast start praying for him? 

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