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Showing posts from October, 2024

Win back

Proverbs 18:19 An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city.  A friendship lost because of misunderstanding or hurtful words or biting behind the back is difficult to be gained back. Well it's not impossible. But difficult.  So be careful of what you say of your friends. No talking behind their backs. Once the trust is lost it's difficult to be gained back.  Cherish your relations. Value them first. Your family relations. Your frinedships. All included.  And if at all you lost it because of your foolishness, be wise. Make every effort to regain it back. Keep trying without ceasing.  Image credit:


The name of the Lord is a strong fortress The godly run to Him and are safe Pro:18:10 Run to Jesus in times of trouble And you are safe Run to Jesus in times of fear And you are safe Run to Jesus when you are tempted And you are safe Run to Jesus in times of joy And you will find more joy.  The name of the Lord is a strong fortress It shall not be shaken It shall not be moved You can find refuge in Him for sure No matter what happens, He is always there War or famine or loneliness Or disappointment or tragedy Jesus is there, yesterday, today and forever.  Creator, sustainer, lover, father Alpha and omega, beginning and end He is my fortress, my tower, stronghold My rampart, my refuge I run to Him. I holdfast to Him.  To be precise, even if I fail Him He will not leave me not forsake me.  Even if I leave Him. He will not.  Image credit:

Spout off

Spouting off before listening to the facts Is both shameful and foolish.  Pro:18:13 Quick to react? Quick to blurt out your anger?  Shameful and foolish it is.  For you cannot take out the words that came out of your mouth. It has already caused the damage. It has already inflicted the wound.  You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. James:1:19-20 No matter how triggered we are if you are angry, it will not result in any righteousness as God desires. Not in your life, nor in their life. Both of you are led to ruin.  It is shameful both for you and the other person. You cut a sorry figure in front of others.  So let's control our tongue and attitude, especially as we are tempted to blurt out. Just be patient. Just be loving.  Image credit:


Unfriendly people care only about themselves Pro:18:1 Long lasting friendship is equivalent to selflessness. It is difficult to befriend someone who is concerned only about his own self. The one who is thinking about him alone, the one who always thinks about profit or benefit for himself, the one who loves himself more than others, rarely gets a good friend.  Jesus became the good friend thus. Selfless unconditional love is the epitome of philia. Not expecting any good for himself, in fact suffered for us. Concerned only about us. So that we would benefit for eternity with him. Enemies as we were, he chose to become friends for us.  It is difficult to love a selfish person. The truth is, the bard is here because there was a person in school, who tried to befriend him, though he was selfish. This was a a surprise for the bard, because all the rest of them kept him away because of his selfishness and this man tried to be good friends with him, not expecting any good thing fr