High walls are supposed to protect you in times of disaster. High walls protect you from enemies. High walls give you security.
But wisdom says, these are all false securities. The very same thing you trust in becomes your snare. If you have bulit high walls for protecting against enemies, enemies will come and destroy the walls.
Do not trust in your assets. For they will all fail. Be it education or bank balance or parents or children. Everything and everyone will fail. Only God will never fail. Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. He never changes. Let Him be your fortress and your rampart. He is an everpresent help in times of trouble. He will be there with you till the end of age even beyond into eternity.
In fact here it says, anyone who trusts in high walls will "invite" disaster. He is a jealous God - a righteous kind of jealousy which knows that trusting in Him alone is our chief end, that is what is best for us and so if His own children go wayward in trusting in futile things, He will bring us back to Him through failures in what we trust, holding us firmly by His hand so that we might not fall. He will enable us to trust in Him alone when our futile trusts fail.
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Be my high wall , Lord I pray 🙏