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Showing posts from September, 2024


Pro:15:33 Before honour comes humility.  The way the world thinks is so miscued and distorted that it is in exact opposite direction of truth.  Man thinks thus - unless I project myself and my accolades, how will others know about it and how will I be honoured. You see that in name boards. You see that in slides which introduce speakers in conferences. You see that in social media.  But truth that we learn from the Word of God is that - before honour, there should be humility. And being proud and projecting yourself will never take you to heights. In fact pride goes before a fall.  Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up in right time. Oh! The Lord is involved in this. That is why this equation is valid. For God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.  How much God loves a person who is not so elated about his talents, but does it as for God, for His name's sake, for God's glory and not for himself. God will take him and raise him u

Greed - a prose

Greed brings grief to the whole family Pr:15:27 What is it that you greed for: that which brings grief to your family What is it that you indulge in and revel in your majority of your time that destroys the whole family.  In modern days it is called entertainment. Me time.  But it is still destroying the family. As it eats away the time.  Busyness others might call it. Responsibility of work.  But it is still destroying the time with your family.  Greed; lust; obsession; addiction; habit; routine; leisure; pleasure.  A source of pleasure will in no time become greed.  That which you can't live without.  Slowly it eats your time. Slowly it eats you up . Making you counterproductive and ineffective.  Destroys your whole family. Destroys you fully.  Image credit:

Onwards and upwards

The path of life leads upwards for the wise They leave the grave behind Pro:15:24 It was C S Lewis in his book, chronicles of Narnia, who describes eternity as - onward and upward! To Narnia and the North.  Always ascending. Always towards the kingdom.  Is it about being blessed, in this earthly kingdom, if you are a child of God? Not at all. It is about life beyond the other side.  Leaving behind the grave. Leaving behind Sheol. Leaving behind the one thing which tends to bind you. Leaving behind the one thing which instills fear.  Not any more. Victory over death and hell has been claimed. Because Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man willfully laid down His life and willfully went to that dreaded place to claim that victory. Amen.  Oh! Death where is your victory Oh! Death where is your sting? 1 Cor:15:55 All defeated. All overcome. For eternity.  No power of hell No scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hands.  This is what wise men would do. This is what wise men are destin

Very little to eat?

Pro:15:16-17 Better to have little with fear of the Lord Than to have great treasure and inner turmoil A bowl of vegetables with someone you love Is better than steak with someone you hate.  Surplousness is not the thing that gives you satisfaction. Unlike the common idea that runs in the world. Everyone thinks if you have enough, that's it.  But the best dreams are not seen on the softest pillow but more so for a destitute who sleeps on the streets. It is not what you have in your hand, but that which is in your mind that gives you sleep and satiety and satisfaction.  Fearing God or Godliness, having people to love, family to cherish - these are what makes you joyous than a large platter of meat. Even a vegetable stew will make your face cheerful (not belittling the dish), if there is joy in God.  One step further - in the midst of turmoil, you will still be smiling. Even if there is no gruel to drink, the faith that God will take care, your Abba will take care. That s


A fool feeds on trash. Pro:15:14 Junk food may appease your satiety. But is well known to have long term complications. Smoking or drinking may give you instant pleasure. But they themselves give a statutory warning that they are injurious to health.  Trash that they are, they are more harmful than being productive. What do you feed on? Daily. Moments just fly away. What do you feed your heart with? The best friend of man used to be a four legged animal, not so long ago. Now it fits into your pocket. Opens the world for you.  In the small time that you get, what do you feed your mind through it? What trash? What rubbish? You may have installed a bible app in it. But what is the proportion that you open it as compared to other apps. Absolute trash it is.  So if you feed in the trash, trash is what you will become. A fool feeds on trash. Where as a wise person is hungry for knowledge. Knowledge of the living God will make you more wise. For Godliness is great gain.  Oh! Give me the desir