A cheerful heart is good medicine Pro:17:22 Be happy. Even the world says so. Enjoy every moment. But that's not the way the bible tells it to be. Yes enjoy. But not the way the world tells to enjoy. Rejoice in the Lord always is the norm. Even in the midst of adversities, have a cheerful heart. How? Knowing fully well that God is in control. God is sovereign and good. He does only what is best. We have spiritual mentor, Dr. Beena, who keeps saying, when troubles arise, she is all the more excited to see what God is going to do. Let's laugh at the face of adversity. Knowing well that God is on our side. There are two kinds of birds. Foolish birds are scared of the scarecrow, they keep themselves far away from it. But the wise ones know that the tastiest and the most sumptuous fruits are around the scarecrow and they fly down to sit on those scarecrows to have a nice meal. Let's face adversities as they strike with excitement, with cheerfulness w...
Amateur as I am, halfbaked as I am. But i write with a purpose, to point to my master, to show of His love. The love I've seen in His eyes, is not just for me. This bard hence writes so that you would see His love too