God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.
God created man in his own image and likeness. Pure and holy. Upright and righteous. Loving and caring.
But man fell. Through one man's sin all of mankind has fallen face flat. Mankind rebelled. He said he will have his own way. The self centred; selfish marred way which is sinful and which goes down the spiral. Mankind has ousted righteousness and consciousness from the center of his heart. Anything which seems right to him, he calls it freedom to choose. He redefined right and wrong. Now in the name of freedom, there is equivocality, there are no lines drawn.
Hence because of rebellion, mankind is going down the path from bad to worse. His standards and etiquettes are being degraded more and more. And he is going farther and farther away from the center; the holy; the love; the Triune God.
As he is sliding further and further helplessly; there is no way he can help himself. He can't stop himself. He can't go up. There can be no intrinsic resistance that he can offer to help himself.
Help has to come from outside the spiral. Because no other man can also help. All are helplessly sliding away.
Righteousness has to be offered; instilled; imputed. But into a willing man. He has to be cleansed, washed clean. He being intrinsically dirty has to be cleansed by something holy. The blood that was shed on the cross is for that.
As YOU realize your uncleanness and filthiness and YOU are willing to be washed clean by the blood of the Lamb and His righteousness He imputes to YOU, when it becomes a personal truth, then there is hope. That you will be able to stop going down to hell. That you may be enabled to go back up the slide.
Renewed. Restored. Reinstated