Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
What is your heart's deepest desire, will show where your priority is.?
Is career in the deepest pocket of your heart.
Is it money?
Is it fame?
Is it your friends circle?
Dear one can it be God that you deeply desire? To know Him. To have an in-depth relation with Him. To commune with Him as Friend.
Is He in any of the pockets? Do you restrict him to just one room in ur heart. Which you open when you pray and close it immediately. Like your pet? Is He like your wishmaker, to present your desires to him to get it done.
Or is the room always open along with other rooms so that he has the key and he is there in all rooms?
Has he become the shoulder to lean on. In sadness. To laugh with when you are merry. The counsellor. The caretaker. The fortress. Father. The refuge. The joy of our salvation. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And if even one room is kept closed to Him, we realize, that room is our treasure. More valuable than God.
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