To few He said follow me. Few He discouraged saying the Son of Man whom you want to follow doesn't have place to lay His head. To few He condemned, let the dead bury the dead.
To few He said - don't tell anyone else about your healing. Few He encouraged.
Jesus knew their hearts. The rich young ruler could not follow Him because of his wealth. But to the Samaritan woman, He takes time to explain about the rivers of living water. For one man infested with a legion of evil spirits, He travels down the whole sea to heal. He knows Zaccheus by name.
But notably significant is the fact that Jesus never pushes someone away, who comes to Him. He is Immanuel, Lord Jesus. God with us. Every single one who came to Him for healing or insight or love, never went away unsatisfied. Goes back with contentment. Some stay hungry for more. All were catered to. Even the nine ungrateful lepers.
Because He came to heal and forgive. But why does He deal so differently? Because He is Sovereign. An unsovereign father even deals with his children differently. He deals with us differently because of His Sovereign goodness.
All things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Rom:8:28
But we tend to look at other's plate and complain. Why doesn't God deal equally? Why doesn't He deal with me as He dealt with him? Why God is not considerate? Is God partial? Where is justice?
Oh! had He dealt with justice. We would have been in hell.
Merry Christmas!
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