What is the master you serve? Jesus told in conjunction with money, when He said about a substitute to God. But it can be anything which you want to replace God with or equivalence with God.
What is it that you would think about all the time? It can be your career, or your children, or your talents, or even your own self. That becomes your idol. What do you feed yourself with all the time depends on whom you seek, whom you desire. Whom you have established in your heart. You cannot serve both God and that. You will end up serving one and discarding the other. And God doesn't barge in. He waits for us to choose Him.
Invest in the right things of God and choose God over everything else that entertains you.
Image credit: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2023/06/02/commentary/world-commentary/ai-robots/
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