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Showing posts from December, 2024

Confused - poem

Matt:9:36. When He saw them He had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Why are you so confused and helpless?  There is no need to.  The Healer God, Yehowah Rapha says Your faith shall make you well.  The Sovereign choice of God The unending goodness of God The compassionate Father He is The Almighty; All Powerful God as well.  Yet He values your freedom of choice Your choice to believe That He is able to deliver you From this clay, making you stand on solid Rock Be it sickness; be it any deliverance Be it a habit that just can't be put up with Be it a non healing pain in body or heart.  Be it anything that science couldn't.  The Lord will deliver For He wills and He is able.  Only if you believe that He can And that in His Sovereign will, He will.  Image credit:


For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners. Matt:9:13 The more you realize the depth of the pit from which you are saved, the more eternally grateful you will be. The shallow pit from which you have been saved, sillifies the need for a Saviour. Nonetheless, all of our pits were deep and dark and dirty.  Oh! We would realize that we were spiritually poor, in order to realize the great salvatiom which has been gifted to us, the love that has been lavished upon us.  Not that we are less sinful than others. Not that our good deeds outweigh our sins. Not that those good works pleased God to save us because they are in truth like dirty cloth before Him. We could have never pleased God to save us. It was all by grace.  We need to realize that we are inherently corrupt and all our thoughts are evilish. Our hearts are completely deceitful looking for ways to rebel even after tasting this beautiful salvation. Tota...

Unconventional route

When Jesus does miracles and blessings in our lives, we need Him. But when He does it in a different way, when He does it in a way in which it costs us, do we still need Him?  Matt:8:34. The entire town came out to meet Jesus, but begged Him to go away and leave them alone.  Because they suffered financial loss. There, sitting before them were two men who have just been delivered from a legion of evil spirits. The hand of God is quiet obvious. But financial loss is what they blame Him with.  If God asks you to take unconventional routes, do you become uncomfortable? Routes which cost you, your time, your finances, your privacy, your reputation and name? What is more important to you determines what you do. What other things you forsake.  We are no less than the Gaderenes who closed their eyes to the miracle in front of their eyes, yet clinging on to the loss they suffered. Silly and pitiful.  Image credit:

Do you know your God? A prose

Who is this man? Even the winds and the waves obey Him. Matt:8:27 Have you know your God enough?  Do you know whom you follow?  Are you aware of your Father's power?  Even the winds and waves obey Him.  Is He able to calm the storm? Oh! Yes.  Even when you have so little a faith? Absolutely.  The Almighty. The All Powerful. The All Knowing God.  Is your Wonderful Counsellor. Eternal Father. Prince of Peace.  This Sovereign God is on your side.  Then who can be against you.  Is He able to sort out your life? Yes.  Is He able to organize your life? Truly.  Then why can't we trust Him?  That's because we don't know Him well enough.  Image credit:

Sovereign God

To few He said follow me. Few He discouraged saying the Son of Man whom you want to follow doesn't have place to lay His head. To few He condemned, let the dead bury the dead.  To few He said - don't tell anyone else about your healing. Few He encouraged.  Why?  Jesus knew their hearts. The rich young ruler could not follow Him because of his wealth. But to the Samaritan woman, He takes time to explain about the rivers of living water. For one man infested with a legion of evil spirits, He travels down the whole sea to heal. He knows Zaccheus by name.  But notably significant is the fact that Jesus never pushes someone away, who comes to Him. He is Immanuel, Lord Jesus. God with us. Every single one who came to Him for healing or insight or love, never went away unsatisfied. Goes back with contentment. Some stay hungry for more. All were catered to. Even the nine ungrateful lepers.  Because He came to heal and forgive. But why does He deal so differe...

Amazed - Poem

Matt:8:9 Does your faith amaze Him or disappoint Him?  I have never ever seen faith like this - Will He tell this about you?  I have never ever seen love like this?  I have never ever seen joy like this?  How do you amaze Him?  The All Knowing; The Creator God was amazed What is it that amazes Him in you; dear one?  Your rebellion? Your inconsistency? Your disobedience?  How much should I put up with you, bard?  Time to eat solid food. Time to provide too Whilst you are still drinking; still being fed.  What amazes Him in you dear one?  Your faithlessness or your unfaithfulness?  Your lack of love to Him?  Your lack of indignation to things which He hates?  Lord, Your grace; it amazes me.  Rebellious as I was. Enemy as I was.  Sinner as I am. You still love me.  What is there that you are mindful of me?  That i would be even considered.  Even more. You made me your child.  Grateful as I am. Kn...