Don't do as the wicked do
And dont follow the path of evildoers
Don't even think about it, don't go that way
Turn away and keep moving.
The ways that we commonly see in the present world is evilish. The ways of the world has routinely become wrong paths.
And when the Spirit comvinces you of the wrong motives, the advise is to turn away from it and keep moving. Do not even think about it and dont go that way.
There would be a tug along the helm of your robe, to do that unharmful thing. To play along with the gang; to join the group. But the inner nudge by Spirit - listen to that. Do not look into that direction even. Turn away and keep moving in the opposite direction. The world and you have nothing in common. No subsets that are identical. Totally different. Diametrically opposite. So turn away and move on.
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