For whoever finds me finds life
And receives favour from the Lord.
Oh! Young man; are you confused?
Why there is injustice around you?
Why is there favouritism?
Why is the world so unfair to you?
Oh! Do you think life is not worth the living
The bard too has often thought so
We all are in the same boat
Do not worry. We all feel the same.
But there is a key to live life
The way it is expected to live
Pursue wisdom. And that means Godliness
To find life. To receive favour from the Lord.
The world has its perverted way of living
And it can teach you to live that way alone
But it is to steal and kill and destroy
Rich and abundant life only Jesus knows
Life to the fullest. As intended by the Maker
Abounding Joy in the midst of grief
Peace that passeth all understanding
Assurance of being loved in the midst of loneliness
You are being loved. You are mine
You are my signet ring
Being loved is the basic need of man
And that is fully lavished upon you.
The Holy Bible is His love letter to you
From beginning to end is His love
The cross is the epitome of this love
The blood dripping is His proof.
Don't think you are alone or not loved
Don't think life is too harsh on you
That life is difficult for you.
"I am there with you, till the end", He says.
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The essence of our faith ❤️