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Showing posts from August, 2024


Pro:13:3 Those who control their tongue will have a long life Opening your mouth can ruin everything.  Blurting out whatever comes in your mouth is lack of self discipline. Lack of self control. You are a man of emotions. You don't have reigns in control. You are a poor man driven by passion.  James:3:2. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.  James:3:6. And the tongue is a flame of fire.  What comes out of your mouth has power to burn people down, destroy their lives and ruin them, demolish them. Is that what you want? May be on your anger you might want. But it is not God's will. Keep quiet when you need to.   A "I hate you" will do you or other person no good. Winning the argument will never be constructive.  Col:4:6 Let your conversations be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.  Eccl:5:2 Let your words be few.  Eph:...


Pro:13:1 A wise child accepts a parent's discipline.  We know the reality that disciplining a child leads him/her in the right path. Correcting a child and redirecting him shows him the right way.  But little do we realise that children are more malleable than us adults. A course correction from our own elders or mentors how do we receive it. Don't be defensive. Don't give excuses. Don't doubt. Don't retort. For they are speaking God's admonition in God's love. If you resist, things will not change and you will continue to be in that rut. But if you choose to change, your life will be blessed. It is in your hands.  Image credit:


Pro:12.25 Worry weighs a person down An encouraging word cheers a person up.  Keep on worrying, keep on going down. Resist. Tell an encouraging word to yourself.  Why? Not because your determination or positive energy is going to bring a change. But because your God is Sovereign and Good. He has called you to bless you. He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  The most encouraging words are not obtained from the mouths of your best friend. But from God Almighty, Maker and Possessor of the whole universe who is your Maker as well. Your Father. That He will never leave you not forsake you.  Take a deroute from your worrying life to a life filled with joy and happiness by trusting in Him. Hallelujah He is Jehovah Jireh.  Image credit:


Pro:12:18 Some people make cutting remarks But the words of the wise bring healing.  While you win an argument, when you say hurting words and cutting remarks, the wounds are inconsolable. Be wise in your words. Constructive positive words. Words which bring healing and joy.  Lord let the words of my mouth be useful for others, building them up, encouraging and uplifting them. Even when I hear cutting remarks around me. You be my life - you have words of life. Fill me with your word. That I can be a source of boost for others today.  Image credit:


Pro:12:7 But the family of the godly stands firm.  In a world of broken families, this is the key. A God intended institution only God can sustain. Like a three braided cord, it is strong. It is not the love that you can manufacture. Now matter how selfless and forgiving you thought you would be, when it hits the turf we all lose our lid.  But if God is in the center of it all, if we are assured that the Eternal, Almighty God is with us in all we go through, if we can trust that no hurting words will be able to distant us from each other or from God, that is the secret of happy joyous family Image credit:


Pro:11:27 If you search for good, you will find favour But if you search for evil, it will find you.  If evil things is what you desire, if it is evilish ways of gaining money, or lustful dreams or fantasies, or what you read or see in your phone in secrecy, or what news you follow, or negative happenings that you think will happen in your life, the surity is that it will find you. Dangerous and dirty it does look. In a loop. You will sink deeper into it. Like quicksand you will go deeper into it, more indulgence, more thinking. More darker. More slavery.  Such negative thoughts will come. But do not entertain. The moment such thoughts come, rebuke it in Jesus' name and take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor:10:5). Do not keep on thinking about it or rethinking about it. Such thoughts are not from a God who is Sovereign and His very nature is good.  By searching good and glorious thoughts, you will find favour. For a good God can only give you go...


Proverbs 11:25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. Though it is said about money and assets. It is true about everything. It is true about spirits. It is true about joy. It is true about talents. It is true about peace.  If you refresh others, you yourself will be refreshed. Sulking and brooding and hoarding and stinginess and selfishness will only add to your misery. A miser will be miserable.  But for that initially you should be refreshed from the unending source. Keep drinking from the River of life. On a regular basis. Replenishing yourself. For He is the source of all good things.  Image credit:


Pro:11:17 Your kindness will reward you But your cruelty will destroy you.  Kindness doesn't depend on the one who receives it. He doesn't deserve it. Kindness is in fact shown to the one who is not worthy of it. He cannot earn it or gain it. If he does, it is not defined as mercy or kindness. One cannot say to another - you have to show kindness.  Kindness therefore depends on the one who gives. Out of his will to the one who doesn't lay claim to. Without any merit,  without any conditions, he shows kindness.  The Lord out of His rich mercy has shown us that level of kindness. When we could not merit it out. When we could not demand. He showed mercy. When we deserved punishment, He chose to show only mercy.  To whom do you show mercy? When you give it to the most undeserving, only then it is called kindness. Otherwise it is courtesy. A tit for tat. Show kindness to the most difficult person and that will bring you reward. Express love. Smile to that one person ...