Telling God sorry in itself is difficult for us. Admitting your wrong to God, itself your pride wouldn't allow. Yet here is a group of people who put the axe on the root itself. (Ezra:10)
They put away with their pagan wives when they realized they have wronged.
Apologizing to a person to whom you have wronged, it is difficult. But when the Spirit leads, just go ahead. That will only replenish you and reinstate you, not only to God and the other person, but also towards you.
Matt:5:24.That has to be taken so seriously that the gift had to be left on the altar and the matter had to be dealt with personally.
Why is it difficult? Because my pride wouldn't let me admit to some one else that i wronged.
Let it go. Let yourself be free from the prisons of unforgiveness and bitterness.
Hallelujah 🙏