The joy of the Lord is your strength
In times of trouble, the joy of the Lord is your strength
In times of weeping, the joy of the Lord is your strength
In times of hopelessness, the joy of the Lord is your strength
In times of helplessness, the joy of the Lord is your strength
In times of brooding over, the joy of the Lord is your strength
When you don't know what to do, the joy of the Lord is your strength
When you have all things figured out, the joy of the Lord is your strength
When everything is under control, the joy of the Lord is your strength.
The joy that He offers; is what you can run to always
It is eternal; it cannot be taken away
No circumstances deter the fact that; the joy is forever
This joy doesn't depend on other's opinion
This joy doesn't depend on what others would think
This joy does not depend on whether I perform or not
This joy depends on the Giver
Who gives from His abundant riches.
Clinging on; Holding fast to this joy; no matter what.
No matter what the circumstances around me are
No matter what people around me opine about me.
No matter you are still struggling with issues of life.
No matter you are all alone in this busy world. No one seems to understand.
No matter you are struggling to make ends meet.
Whatever disturbs you today; the fact remains
You are His beloved; His very own prized possession.
This joy cannot be taken away
This joy cannot be consumed
Neither can it be rusted or moth eaten
Always in the Father's hands
And from the Father's hands He lavishly giveth
Treasure in heaven indeed it is
A weapon against devil's discouragements
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
True 💟