I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.
Dignity is something which we strive for. To earn respect from others and especially your subordinates. You will be conscious enough to behave in a proper way. In a formal gathering there is an etiquette. In your office there is a decorum to behave.
In contrast, how do you behave with the person whom you love the most in this world? You crack jokes, you don't mind sounding silly. You wanna enjoy every moment with them. You want them to enjoy every moment with you.
How do you spend time with children? You become like them, imitate their blabbery, enjoy their kiddish talks. You don't think about dignity or poise.
Like David, am I willing to be undignified for God? Am I willing to be ridiculed and sillified for the sake of God. That depends on how much free are you with God. This is not being disrespectful to God, but being free with God whom you love so dearly. Out of gratitude for what He has done on the cross, redeeming an enemy like me, while I was still a sinner, He died to make me His own.
He chose to be undignified, when He chose to be a man and become the penalty of my sin. How much more should I?