Jer:36:8 Baruch did as Jeremiah told him.
There was no hesitancy to obey. Jeremiah his senior told him to do something. Baruch just obeyed. Fear of imprisonment like his master would be there. Fear of being executed. Fear of all torture. Fear about his future. But Baruch just obeyed. He wrote and went and read the message in the temple.
And the message was not a message of apparent blessing. A message which tells; You are wrong. No one would want to hear it. Everyone who hears it, would defend himself. There would be harm for the reader as the listener is accused. Already the king has imprisoned Jeremiah his master. But Baruch just did what he was told to.
Now Baruch is advised to go into hiding. As he expected the outcome to be. He saw this coming. The king would be angry enough to issue an order to arrest him too. His life is going to be different. But that did not deter him from obeying his seer.
Why? He knew Jeremiah was from God and Baruch himself feared God. Somebody who doesn't take seriously the message he carried, wouldn't bother to risk his life for it. Baruch's fear of the Lord prompted him to obey. His love. His own repentance. That is what prompted him to obey.
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